Sunday, May 10, 2015

Token Type Manager

Every street address that, when written on an envelope will steer that envelope to the correct destination is composed of several informational address components. The country, city, thoroughfare name, and the premises number are four commonly used components. However, there are actually 31 components that are in use somewhere on planet Earth to get an envelope delivered.

That four member subset above is all that is necessary in some countries, so if we research the list of all terms used for the country, city, thoroughfare name, and premises number then we will be able to prepare a search strategy that will recognize the proper order and correctness of terms for that country. The purpose for the Empire Token Type Manager is to develop the set of street address components for each country on Earth.

Numerous technicians -- country specialists -- have been assigned the task of exhaustively listing all terms for each of the components that their country uses.  So, for instance, in the USA, acceptable terms for a thoroughfare name include street, avenue, boulevard, way, place, road, and many others can be entered into the EmpireTokenTypeManager to help advance the search capabilities of Melissa Data's worldwide address search and cleaning utilities.

After the technician is done with a TTM session they can save their work, after which it will be sent to a shared network location and merged with the global archive.

The information sent to the network location is actually a delta file, that is, a relatively small file that contains only the changes the technician added or removed. After a delta file has been transferred to the network OnRamp directory a second EmpireTokenTypeManager component, the ConfigFileIntegrator observes the presence of the delta file and merges it, and any others found at the same time, with the master token file. Once the merge is complete the newly updated global token file is used to generate five new files for various uses -- some in text format and some in binary -- and then committed to the company's internet-based Subversion data archive for use by several company products.

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